Environmental Services
5H Tech personnel have extensive experience with permitting and regulatory activities related to air quality. 5H Tech personnel work with clients to obtain necessary permits for operations from all stages of development. Starting with conceptual design of the operation, an inventory of expected and possible air pollutants is developed and examined for regulatory applicability. From there, a comprehensive permit package plan is applied. 5H Tech personnel have been involved in all aspects of air permitting including air dispersion modeling and receptor dose estimation; emission control equipment suggestions; state and federal regulatory interfaces and negotiations; and day to day compliance activities. Clients have received permit approvals from the Kentucky Division for Air Quality (KDAQ), OEPA, U.S. EPA Region IV, and U.S. EPA Region V.
Areas of work include:
• General Clean Air Act (CAA) compliance
• Emission Factor calculations
• Particulate Matter (PM) control
• Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs)
• Air Toxics
• Stack Testing
• National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS)
• New Source Performance Standards
• Federally Enforceable State Operating Permits (FESOP)
• Title V permits
• Radionuclide NESHAPs
• Mobile and Stationary Sources permits
• Air permitting and compliance services have been provided for both private sector and federal government clients.
NPDES PERMITTING 5H Tech personnel have many years of experience applying for and obtaining NPDES permits on behalf of federal and private sector clients. In addition to preparing permit applications, 5H Tech staff members have successfully negotiated reduced permit limits and alternative sampling requirements on behalf of clients such as the US Department of Energy (DOE) and the US Forest Service (USFS). These alternative sampling scenarios have saved clients vast amounts of monetary resources allowing for reallocation of funds to other projects.
5H Tech personnel have completed multiple NPDES permit applications for private sector and federal sector facilities across the United States. Permitting activities have included major DOE facilities. One of our client’s facilities is listed on the National Priorities List (NPL) and includes 19 active outfalls discharging to a zero-flow stream with extremely low permit limits.
5H Tech personnel completed one of the first anti-degradation studies ever submitted to the OEPA. The study was performed for Mid-America Conversion Services, LLC (MCS) uranium conversion facility being constructed at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant in Piketon, Ohio that is owned by DOE. The facilities are now managing for DOE by Midwest Conversion Services, LLC. 5H Tech is now under contact to MCS to provide environmental compliance services and monitoring services to both conversion facilities.
Once permits are issued, 5H Tech staff members work closely with facility personnel to develop Best Management Practices (BMP) plans and Ground Water Protection Plans (GWPPs) that integrate regulatory requirements that work seamlessly with day-to-day operations of a permitted facility.
WETLANDS DELINEATION AND STREAM MITIGATION 5H Tech has performed many wetland delineations under Section 404 of the CWA. These delineations have been successfully submitted to the United State Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and Jurisdictional Determinations by the USACAE have been made based on these delineations. Furthermore, 5H Tech staff members have successfully prepared wetlands and stream mitigation plans for individual permits through the USACE. Where applicable, 5H Tech has applied for and utilized Nationwide Permits to reduce burdens on their clients. 5H Tech routinely prepares wetlands and stream mitigation plans for submission to the USACE as part of the permitting process for their clients. 5H Tech staff members have trained at the arboretum of North Carolina State University and have worked hand in hand with the Louisville, Kansas City, St. Louis, Memphis and Nashville Districts of the USACE on specific permits.
5H Tech has completed wetland delineations and water quality analysis for private industry, municipalities, Federal agencies (U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Department of Energy, and U.S. Department of Transportation), but mainly for the railroad industry (Class I Railroads, Class II Regional Railroads, and Short Line Railroads). Our staff is fully trained by the Canadian National for safety access to property and have active E-Rail safe certifications. The staff has worked on wetland projects in Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Ohio and Pennsylvania.
STORMWATER MANAGEMENT 5H Tech routinely prepares stormwater pollution prevention plans for private sector and federal clients. These plans are in use on a day-to-day basis in the field.
HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT 5H Tech personnel were instrumental in developing the RCRA Part B Permit for the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PGDP) owned by DOE. The facility permit was originally issued in 1991 and was renewed in 2004. The permit renewal application was prepared by 5H Tech personnel. Negotiations with Kentucky and US EPA Region IV Regulators took nearly 18 months to complete. The current permit allows for specific on-site treatment and storage of a variety of listed and characteristic wastes. This is one of the largest and most complex RCRA Part B Permits currently in effect in Kentucky. PGDP currently has in excess of 540 solid waste management units listed on the current permit. It is a very complex permit. 5H Tech personnel completed the permit application on time and under budget for the DOE Prime Contractor. Furthermore, as part of a fixed unit rate contract at PGDP, 5H Tech personnel successfully maintained the necessary RCRA Operating Records (manifests, training records, waste determination, facility inspections, etc…) for the client over a 15-year period of performance. In addition, 5H Tech personnel have prepared the RCRA Annual Report for this facility and many other RCRA regulated facilities.
5H Tech routinely prepares Notifications of Hazardous Waste Activities, annual Hazardous Waste Reports, and other regulatory documents for RCRA large quantity and small quantity generators. Our team provides packaging, labeling, waste profile preparation, and even arranges for transportation and disposal of various hazardous wastes for multiple clients.
UNIVERSAL WASTE MANAGEMENT 5H Tech personnel have developed and maintained universal waste programs for federal and private sector clients that fully comply with 40 CFR 273 requirements. These programs include universal waste tracking as required for small and large quantity handlers as well as the necessary training that is specified by regulation.
SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN DEVELOPMENT 5H Tech personnel have years of sampling and analysis plan development experience. A staff member served as Lockheed Martin’s Compliance Characterization Coordinator for seven years. In this role, he led efforts developing sampling and analysis plans for major projects that encompassed taking 10,000 samples per year for multiple analytes. Using statistical sampling plans reduced project costs and increased productivity of field staff. Concise and easy to use plans are key to project success whether the sampling involves RCRA hazardous, non-hazardous, or environmental media.
5H Tech personnel provide 24-hour HAZMAT response and remediation services. This includes RCRA hazardous waste disposal, low-level nuclear waste, PCB, diesel/gasoline/petroleum product disposal and sanitary waste. Our personnel are 40-hour 1910.120 trained and experience operators of heavy equipment to meet a client’s needs. In addition, 5H Tech provided 40-hour training and 8-hour refresher training to its clients. In addition, our staff all have OSHA-30 cards.
5H Tech personnel are licensed in the state of Kentucky to perform asbestos inspections. Our staff members are experienced in writing reports and advising clients on the current state regulations concerning asbestos contamination and their options for control of hazards. Our staff members are also experienced in submitting reports to appropriated state regulators.